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Join Teledyne DALSA at ITAC/GSA Semiconductor Conference, April 13-14

Semiconductor forum co-hosted by Teledyne DALSA to concentrate on the new era of 3D integrated circuits

WATERLOO, Ontario – April 5, 2011 – Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies company and the world’s #1 open MEMS foundry, will co-host the 2011 conference of the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) and the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA). The conference, to be held April 13-14 in Montreal, Quebec, is one of the country’s premier forums for the semiconductor industry, providing unmatched opportunities for industry leaders to network, learn, and discuss the impact of emerging semiconductor trends and technologies.

This year’s conference will have a particular focus on 3D integrated circuits, which have been called a fundamental change in the semiconductor industry. Conference speakers will address questions such as whether this new generation of packaging styles can remove roadblocks to I/O throughput, clock speeds and power dissipation.

Co-hosted by Teledyne DALSA and PMC Sierra, the conference also enjoys sponsorship from a number of technology companies with Canadian presence, including Advantest, AMD, and RIM.

For more information on the conference, visit the ITAC & GSA conference website. For more information on Teledyne DALSA’s semiconductor services, visit our semiconductor website.

About Teledyne DALSA, Inc.
Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies company, is an international leader in high performance digital imaging and semiconductors with approximately 1,000 employees worldwide, headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Established in 1980, the company designs, develops, manufactures and markets digital imaging products and solutions, in addition to providing MEMS products and services.

Published 2011-04-05

3D ICs like this wafer level packaged device may herald a new era of increased functionality in ever smaller form factors.


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